Ever wondered what happens behind the scenes of one of the most successful modelagencies in Scandinavia? Mostly just hard work, but once in a while something cool happens, and that is why we have decided to make this blog. From now on we will write about everything and nothing in the everyday of ourselves and our models, makeup-artists and stylists. Expect a lot of beauty, a bit of glamour, a touch of gossip and a sense of cool.
It's just everyday life - from our point of view.

All the best,
Unique Models

tirsdag, februar 09, 2010


Finally! Our new beautiful agency in Aarhus is ready! All we need now is our phones to work - and then we are ready for business! Our official opening will be March 5th! Until then you can enjoy a few pics here...

3 kommentarer:

Anonym sagde ...

hvor ser det flot ud. FEDT at i også er kommet til århus!
kh signe marie

MJ sagde ...


Ida sagde ...

Velkommen! Sejt i starter herovre:-)